Website and Marketing Services

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Website Maintenance

Has your business changed? A redesign is not always the answer. We respect your budget and will happily modify your current website to reflect anything that’s new or remove/reformat the old as desired. Investment depends on the scope of your project. Call to talk about your needs. 541.617.8574

Responsive Website / Mobile Friendly

Is your current website forcing visitors to enlarge the parts they want to read? Give your website traffic what they want and streamline the experience. 80% of mobile users are ready to take action (call now or walk-in). We provide done-for-you service, click-to-call phone number, location and map, logo banner, branded colors, and other pertinent details that are specific to your industry.

Add To Cart

Secure and boost purchases by adding a shopping cart to any website or current website. We provide 3rd party cart integration with one of our website packages, plus basic customization, consistent message from your website, secure layer install, and some or your entire product pages added.

Minimize Marketing Waste

Most websites only convert 2% of their browsers to buyers. Sites that invest 20% or more of their marketing budget to conversion optimization see accelerated results in influencing qualified browsers in to buying customers. We evaluate current marketing, data and goals. Then prioritize opportunities, create key performance indicators, segment audiences, develop personas, set-up tests, and provide measurable results.

Rising Star Website Marketing

Promote your website and attract new leads with search engine optimization, local listings and social media. We create a strategic plan and implement based upon your unique industry needs and competitor analysis. Stimulate your sales funnel with new qualified visitors. We set-up goals, optimized your website, build incoming links, and provide measurable results.

Additional Website Services

  • Professionally designed graphics for any type of print or internet use
    (Business cards, website ads, print ads, packaging, brochures, etc)
  • Book Covers & Ebook Formatting
  • Virtually Private Hosting & Domain Name Management
  • As desired maintenance, customization, and consulting available
  • Out of this world customer service

Call or text Michelle today for a free website strategy session. Where you’ll learn the top 3 ways you can get more clients/customers. 916 790 6574

Or email now